・9月28日(土)、29日(日):グローバルフェスタJAPAN 2024(https://gfjapan2024.jp/) ※終了
・10月10日(木)~12日(土):SDGs AICHI EXPO 2024(https://sdgs-aichi.com/) ※終了
・来年2月頃(予定):TOFAイベント ※詳細決まり次第ご連絡いたします
True education leads us
to the next step
TOFA contributes to people’s affluence and happiness in long term and from a global perspective by connecting people between who are deprived of education and employment opportunities in developing countries also, for those seeking spiritual affluence and individual value-creating opportunities in developed countries.
About Us
~ Our Four Core Values ~
Our four axes of activity
Mainly in African countries and Japan,
We are active on four axes.
In a network of people in Africa, Japan, and the world
We will contribute to society.